Your First Novel – A Goal and a Valuable Marketing Tool

Originally posted on Author Don Massenzio: I remember that feeling when I finished my first novel. It was a mix of emotions. I was excited, nervous, anxious and curious simultaneously. Would people read my book? If they read it, would they like it? Then perhaps, the most scary question of all emerged. What’s next? Now…

This is a great post from author and blogger Don Massenzio. I think some writers don’t take enough advantage of utilizing their existing work as a marketing tool, and Don has some solid advice about how you can use your first completed novel to expand your audience. Plus, most of it is applicable to both indie and traditionally published writers.

Author Don Massenzio

I remember that feeling when I finished my first novel. It was a mix of emotions. I was excited, nervous, anxious and curious simultaneously. Would people read my book? If they read it, would they like it? Then perhaps, the most scary question of all emerged. What’s next?

Now that five books in that series have been published and two others outside of the series are out there with two more books completed and ready to go, I know the answer to the ‘what’s next’ question. I also know how valuable that first book is as both an accomplishment and a tool to bring in new readers.

This post will list some of the ways I used this first book to help attract more readers and set up marketing for the books that would follow.giveaway_1_


Giveaways are an important way to gain some exposure from your writing. Whether…

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Responses to “Your First Novel – A Goal and a Valuable Marketing Tool”

  1. Don Massenzio

    Thanks so much for sharing this.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. B.L. Daniels

      No problem. Good advice in this post.

      Liked by 1 person

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